About the Golden Triangle Cat Fancier's club.
The history of the club...
Date | Details |
1975 | On a cold winter's night, 4 local cat fanciers (Jim and Joan Hollinger, Eleanor Jazinksi, Susan Pilkey, and Brenda Wood) met at the home of Eleanor Jazinski on Westmount Road in Kitchener to discuss the feasibility of forming a cat club in the K-W area. During the course of the next year, we recruited members; argued which association we should affiliate with and what we should name our club; drafted a Constitution and By-Laws; and worried about how to raise funds to sponsor a show. |
1976 | Paul and Sue Biggs from Guelph were discovered at the Tower Cat Fanciers (ACFA) show in Toronto and invited to join the newly-formed CFA club. The Biggs bred and showed Manx and urged us to take the risk of producing a cat show. It was Sue Biggs that found our first show hall. |
1977 | On Easter Sunday, Golden Triangle Cat Fanciers held it's first CFA All Breed Cat Show. The show was held in Peter Clark Hall at the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. It was a 4-ring show and the judges were: Donna Jean Thompson, Diana Doernberg, Don Williams and Boris Teron |
1978 | We moved our Easter show to the Ballroom of the Waterloo Motor Inn in Waterloo, Ontario. |
1979 | Waterloo Motor Inn |
1980 | Waterloo Motor Inn |
1981 | Waterloo Motor Inn |
1982 | Conestoga College Arena |
1983 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink |
1984 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink |
1985 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink |
1986 | For our 10th Anniversary Show, we decided to do something totally different and risk the expense of an 8-ring All-Specialty Show at the Bingeman Park Roller Rink. We had a huge cake made which was shared with judges, exhibitors and spectators. Members contributed their favorite recipes and a GTCF Cookbook was published and given as prizes in all the rings. The Longhair Judges were: Sheila Reyes, Marilyn Cruz, Gary Powell, and Roger Lawrence. The Shorthair Judges were: Ruth Parker, Alan Kienzle, Nick Fischer and Russ Hausmann. |
1987 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink The CFA Annual was hosted by Seneca Cat Fanciers at the Inn-On-The-Park in Toronto, Ontario. Our club took on the task of providing the Hospitality on the first night. We mixed up gallons of frozen Strawberry Daquiris that Wednesday night much to the delight of everyone who enjoyed that sort of thing. |
1988 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink |
1989 | Bingeman Park Roller Rink |
1990 | Although we had planned to do 2 shows within 6 weeks of each other, we gave up our traditional Easter show as we took on the challenge of hosting what we think was the very first and so far, only CFA Great Lakes Region Show and Awards Banquet ever to be held in Canada. The GLR Show and Awards Banquet is usually held on the second weekend of June. Since we felt that the cost of our showhall had risen beyond our means, we also took on the challenge of the unknowns of a new showhall and moved to the K-W Granite Club for our first 2-day, 6-ring show. We drew an entry of approximately 260 cats that came from all parts of our region. Our raffle table was a hit with exhibitors and spectators alike and became the first of many successful money-making raffles for the club. The Awards Banquet was buffet-style and absolutely delicious. The weather was very hot. |
1991 | K-W Granite Club The weather was very hot and humid on Saturday and the showhall was very uncomfortable. Because having a catered dinner on Saturday night was part of the deal with the Granite Club, we started with the first of many fun Club Dinners. Doreen Linfield decided to liven things up by adding a miriad of little prizes which people could win by answering silly questions which she posed during the course of the evening. Everyone had a great time. |
1992 | K-W Granite Club |
1993 | K-W Granite Club |
1994 | K-W Granite Club |
1995 | K-W Granite Club Karen Lawrence made her debut as a SH Specialty Judge. Before she was allowed to begin her first judging assignment, she was publicly presented with a basketful of "judging necessities" like extra thick eyeglasses; very ugly, but very comfortable shoes; a special hat; lots of bandaids; squeaky cat toys and teasers, etc. |
1996 |
Two shows in one year! May 25-26 K-W Granite Club The All Breed Judges were Norma Placchi, Gary Powell, Liz Watson and Gene Darrah. The Specialty Judges were Sharon McKeehon-Bounds (LH/SH), John Colilla (LH) and Rachel Anger (SH). The count for the show was a pleasant surprise: LH Kit - 22; SH Kit - 39;LH cats - 71, CH - 39; SH cats - 72, CH - 41;LH alters - 14, PR - 8; SH alters - 23, PR - 12. October 25-26 - K-W Soccer Park - Hallowe'en show |
1997 | May 24-25 - K-W Granite Club |
1998 | May 23-24 - K-W Granite Club featuring CFA judges: Don Williams, Leta Williams, Evelyn Prather, Lois Jensen, Vickie (Dickerson) Nye, and Diana Doernberg. Theme: "A Black Tie Affair" - 6 All Breed rings |
1999 |
May 29-30 - K-W Granite Club Theme: "Havan-A-Blast!" will feature the Havana Brown. 4 Allbreed/2 Specialty rings featuring CFA judges: AB Loretta Baugh, Hazel Lindstrand, Norma Placchi, Lynn Search, LH/SH Kim Everett, Roger Lawrence. |
2000 |
May 27-28 - Conestoga College Recreation Center 6 LH/SH Specialties and Household Pets Judges: Leslie Faltiesek, Jody Garrison, Bill Lee, Rachel Anger, Karen Lawrence, Paul Patton |
2001 |
May 26-27 - Conestoga College Recreation Center 3 AB, 3 LH/SH Specialties and Household Pets Judges: Pam Delabar, Gene Darrah, Roger Lawrence, Hilary Helmrich, Betty White, Paul Patton |
2002 |
May 25-26 - Conestoga College Recreation Center Judges: LH/SH Championship, Allbreed Kittens/Premiership, HHP - Rachel Anger, Karen Lawrence, Gary Veach, Bob Zenda LH/SH Specialties, HHP - Don Williams, Paul Patton |
2003 |
May 24-25 - Doon Indoor Soccer Park LOCATION Judges: AB - Liz Watson, Loretta Baugh, Hazel Lindstrand, Paul Patton, LH/SH Specialties - Chuck Gradowski, Kim Everett |
2004 |
May 29-30 - Doon Indoor Soccer Park Judges: AB Kittens/Premiership / CH LH/SH Specialties - Lois Jensen, Evelyn Prather, Karen Lawrence. Paul Patton LH/SH Specialties - Laura McIntyre, Rachel Anger |
2005 |
May 28-29 - Doon Indoor Soccer Park Judges: AB - Pam DelaBar, Annette Wilson, Gene Darrah, Darryl Newkirk, LH/SH Specialties - Roger Lawrence, LH/SH - Rick Hoskinson |
2006 |
May 27-28 - Galt Arena Gardens, 98 Shade ST, Cambridge, ON N1R 4J8 LOCATION Theme: Canada Judges: AB - Loretta Baugh, Karen Lawrence, Paul Patton, Sharon McKeehen-Bounds, Gary Veach, LH/SH Specialties - Walter Hutzler |
2007 |
May 26-27 - Galt Arena Gardens, 98 Shade ST, Cambridge, ON N1R 4J8 Featuring: Veteran Class for show cats 7 years or older and eligible for championship/premiership Judges: Colilla, Anger, Mare, TBA, TBA, TBA |
2008 |
May 31 - Galt Arena Gardens, 98 Shade ST, Cambridge, ON N1R 4J8 - SHOW FORMAT 1-DAY/6-RING In conjunction with Toronto Cat Fanciers Judges: AB - Rachel Anger, Loretta Baugh, Chuck Gradowski, Karen Lawrence, Roger Lawrence, LH?SH - Sharon Powell |
2009 |
May 23 - FORMAT 1-day/6-ring Judges: 5AB, 1Spec. - Baugh(AB), Hoskinson(AB), R. Lawrence(AB), Trevathan(AB), Helmrich(AB), K. Lawrence, (LH/SH) |
2010 |
May 22 - 1 -day/6 AB Judges: Rachel Anger, Loretta Baugh, Kim Everett-Hirsch, Chuck Gradowski, Walter Hutzler, Gary Veach |
2011 |
May 28 - 1-day AB Judges: 5 AB/1 LH/SH AB: Vickie Abelson, Loretta Baugh, Sharon McKeehen-Bounds, Tracey Petty, Sharon Powell LH/SH: Annette Wilson |
2012 |
May 26 - 1-day AB Judges: 5 AB/1 LH/SH AB: Rachel Anger, Norm Auspitz, Elaine Gleason AB (guest Judge from CCA), Gary Powell, Jeri Zottoli LH/SH: Lorraine Rivard |
2013 |
May 25 - Golden Triangle Cat Fanciers Judges: AB: Chuck Gradowski, Gene Darrah, Ann Mathis, Sharon Powell, Gary Veach LH/SH: Melanie Morgan May 26 - Royal Canadian Cat Club Judges: AB: Rachel Anger. Loretta Baugh, John Colilla, Rick Hoskinson, Karen Lawrence, Lorraine Rivard |
2014 |
Preston Auditorium due to the unavailability of the Galt Arena. Long time member Brenda Woods retired from the club. Judges:AB Rachel Anger, Diana Doernberg, Anne Mathis, Brian PEarson, Sharon Powell, Gary Veach |
2015 |
May 24 - Galt Arena The club had some success venturing out in the world of facebook advertizing the show. As well tried offering 2 super specialty rings, effectively making it a 8 ring one day show Judges: Kathy Calhoun AB & SS Kittens, Gene Darrah AB & SS Pr, John Hiemstra LH/SH, Karen Lawrence AB, Sharon Powell AB & SS Ch &SS Pr, Lorraine Rivard AB & SS Kittens & SS CH |
May 28, 2016 | This was our 40th Anniversary Show at the Galt Arena Gardens Judges:Rachel Anger, John Hiemstra, Karen Lawrence, Anne Mathis, Sharon Pawell(LH/SH), Teresa Sweeney |
May 27, 2017 | Galt Gardens Judges: Loretta Baugh, Gene Darrah, Diana Doernberg, Sharon Powell, Teresa Sweeney (LH/SH), Annette Wilson |
May 26, 2018 | Galt Arena Judges: Rachel Anger, Loretta Baugh, Chuck Gradowski, John Hiemstra, Anne Mathis, Lorraine Rivard(SP) |
May 25, 2019 | Galt Arena Judges: Rachel Anger, Gene Darrah, Diana Doernberg, Elaine Gleason (guest CCA Judge) (SP), Anne Mathis, Teresa Sweeney |
2020-2022 | Show canceled due to COVID-19 building restrictions at the time of show planning. |
May 27, 2023 | After a 3 year hiatus, the show returned to the Galt Arena Gardens. Getting exhibitors from the USA had become more challenging as border restrictions require people to have passports to cross the border. Judges: Rachel Anger, Diana Doernberg, Robert Gleason (guest CCA judge) (SP), Anne Mathis, Sharon Powell, Teresa Sweeney |
May 25, 2024 | This year the show was at the Dickson Centre Arena. It offered easier access to everyone. This was a joint weekend show with CCA having a show at the same venu on Sunday with a Whisker Wonderland theme. Judges: Diana Doernberg, Elaine Gleason (guest CCA Judge) (SP),Anne Mathis, Sharon Powell, Lorraine Rivard, Teresa Sweeney |